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Alternative Press Index
Alternative Press Index

Alternate Name(s):
Alt Press Index ; AltPressIndex ; Ebsco Alternative Press Index ; Alternative Press Index Archive


Interdisciplinary index of over 300 periodicals, newspapers and magazines which report and analyze the practices and theories of cultural, economic, political, and social change.

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Covering 1969 to the present, it provides access to emerging theories and practices of social change. 90% of the publications indexed in API are unique and not indexed in the Reader's Guide to Periodical Literature or the Social Sciences Index.   API and its archive indexes all articles of 5 or more paragraphs including: editorials, regular columns, essays, fiction, speeches, interviews, statistics, reprints, bibliographies, directories, resource lists, autobiographies, biographies, obituaries, memoirs, and reviews: book, film, record, TV, drama, arts, and multimedia.

Alternative Press Index is updated quarterly.