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BIOSIS Previews
BIOSIS Previews


Life sciences and biomedical research covering pre-clinical and experimental research, methods and instrumentation, animal studies, and more.

Date Coverage: 1926- present

More Info

BIOSIS Previews combines the content of both Biological Abstracts and Biological Abstracts/RRM (Reports, Reviews, Meetings), thus providing comprehensive coverage of nearly 5,500 life science journals as well as 1,500 items from international meetings, review articles, books, book chapters, patents, and software reviews.

Subject coverage: All areas of life science, including such topics as: agriculture, biochemistry, biotechnology, ecology, immunology, microbiology, molecular genetics, neuroscience, pharmacology, public health, toxicology, zoology.

Because Queen's University Library subscribes to both BIOSIS Previews and Web of Science®, a link in a full record from BIOSIS will take you to the corresponding record in ISI Web of Science.

Further information:   Available on the vendor's website.