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Alternate Name(s):
Ovid MEDLINE | Ovid OLDMEDLINE | Ovid MEDLINE Daily Update | Ovid MEDLINE In-Process and Other Non-Indexed Citations


Ovid MEDLINE database contains more than 38 million references to biomedical and life sciences literature. The primary component of Ovid MEDLINE is MEDLINE, which is produced by the National Library of Medicine in the U.S. and contains more than 31 million references from over 5,200 scholarly journals published around the world. In addition to MEDLINE content, Ovid MEDLINE includes citations that are being processed for MEDLINE, citations that are out-of-scope from MEDLINE journals, "ahead of print" citations that precede the article's final publication in a MEDLINE journal, and more.

The same content in Ovid MEDLINE can also be searched in PubMed.

Bracken Library Database Highlight: Ovid MEDLINE

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Date Coverage: 1946 to Present