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Course Reserves

This guide gives you step-by-step instructions in setting up your resource lists in Course Reserves through OnQ.

Overview of Course Reserves

Course Reserves is the university's resource list management system. It is a comprehensive, dynamic resource list tool, which allows lecturers to create off-campus links to library resources such as journal articles and books/eBooks, digitized book chapters, as well as freely available online content. Course Reserves enables instructors and students to have one single access point for all reading materials and to support copyright compliance. 


Why use Course Reserves?

Through Course Reserves, the library will: 

  • Scan print books and journal articles that meet the requirements listed in the Fair Dealing Policy
  • Acquire and process copyright permissions as needed
  • Create and provide links to electronic library resources that work both on- and off-campus
  • Adapt materials to meet accessibility standards
  • Make the readings available to students through onQ


Key features

  • Course Reserves provides online reading lists using the reading list system Leganto
  • Any resource with a web address can be added to a list, including books, eBooks, journal articles, websites, videos and podcasts, etc.
  • Course Reserves can be accessed via a course in OnQ
  • Items on a list can be filtered by resource type or priority
  • Lists can be exported to word or PDF documents in a variety of citation styles
  • Statistics can be accessed, for example, on how many students accessed the reading list resources, etc.

Instructors can:

  • create dynamic lists of relevant, up-to-date materials gathered from a range of sources including the Library collection, internet and multimedia resources
  • easily manage and update course resources
  • link course resource lists in OnQ
  • use Course Reserves to automatically request copyright assessments.

Students can: 

  • easily access lists for all of their courses in one place
  • access key resources more easily: more time is spent reading resources on a list than searching for them.
  • engage with the resources, comment on readings, make recommendations
  • quickly see which items are 'essential' readings to prioritize and to better manage time.