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DEVS 361: Policy Planning & Policy Advocacy

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Why use newspapers and/or other media sources?

Newspapers and other media sources can help you: 

  • identify current issues around a topic  
  • scan what is important to governments, non-governmental organizations, and the general public around any particular issue
  • understand and identify different points of view around the same issue   
  • formulate a research question within a larger topic
  • identify organizations that are advocating on certain issues 
  • identify documents, papers and research studies around an issue (these are sometimes first reported in the news)

Canadian Newsstream
Access to current Canadian news content with archives as far back as the 1970s, from over 360 news sources. Newspapers including The Globe and Mail and Toronto Star along with newswires and broadcast transcripts in full-text format.Provides coverage of articles, columns, editorials and features of 21 Canadian daily newspapers.
Covers over 100 African news organizations and AllAfrica's own reporting team and provides documents and releases from over 200 NGOs, governments and international institutions. Provides news and information in French and English. Updated daily.

Offers access to more than 28,000 sources from 157 countries in 23 languages, including more than 600 continuously updated newswires. Contains same-day and archival coverage of key newspapers, including The Globe and Mail, The New York Times, The Wall Street Journal, and The Washington Post.


Provides current, full-color, full-page coverage of over 2,000 newspapers from 100 countries in 56 languages.   Provides 60-day backfile for most papers.



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