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Family Medicine

This guide aims to provide Family Medicine faculty and residents with a selective list of tools and useful links.

Medical Images and Models and 3D Human Anatomy

A combined interactive site featuring manipulable models that can be rotated, zoomed, labelled, coloured, shared, saved, used in presentations, etc. Layers of anatomy can be removed. Interactive textbook covers common pathologies, the impact of aging and clinical case studies using clear 3D imagery. Includes narrated animations, pronunciation guide, interactive quizzes, MCQs and more. 

The National Institutes of Health (NIH) Image Library

Contains images from the 27 institutes and centers that constitute the NIH. Among the contents are general biomedical and science-related images; images of clinicians, patient care, microscopy, laboratories and famous faces. These are in the public domain and can be reproduced, used or linked to without further permission from NIH.


Thieme Teaching Assistant Anatomy and Pharmacology

This subscription product provides access to images from Thieme's top anatomy and pharmacology titles. Queen's users can customize images and use them in presentations online or on campus.

Clinical Videos

Bates Videos

Now in its Fifth Edition Bates’ Visual Guide delivers head-to-toe and systems-based physical examination techniques and new clinical skills videos for the (Advanced) Assessment or Introduction to Clinical Medicine course. Each lesson is dedicated to a specific body system and includes a step-by-step demonstration of appropriate examination techniques. Rationales as well as detailed explanations are provided for every procedure, concluding with a section on recording your findings. The site features more than 8 hours of video content.

MSK Examination Videos

New England Journal of Medicine - Videos in Clinical Medicine

The New England Journal of Medicine publishes peer-reviewed educational videos with the goals of providing effective clinical instruction and improved patient care. Topics include but are not limited to: Paracentesis, Central Venous Catheterization, Lumbar Puncture, and Basic Laceration Repair.

This collection of 100 streaming videos provides training videos in the fields of psychotherapy, counseling, and addiction treatment. Covering a range of modalities, theoretical approaches, and populations, many of the videos provide viewers with an opportunity to observe practitioners in sessions with patients.


Cases and Interactive Learning

Check out the Case-Based Learning library guide for additional resources! 

Anatomy and Physiology Online

19 modules provide a guided learning approach using clear 3D images and interactive models, narrated animations and illustrations, dissection slides you can label, clinical case studies, the impact of aging on each body systems, pronunciation guide, quizzes and much more.

CLIPP - Computer-Assisted Learning in Pediatrics Program

This web-based resource provides students with 32 interactive virtual patient cases on pediatric topics. While working through each case, students are encouraged to examine visual evidence, consult experts, answer questions, create a differential grid, and follow the case through to its conclusion. Access to this resource is available to individuals with Queen's email addresses. To register, click on the 'Sign In' link and fill in the appropriate details.

Gender and Health Collaborative Curriculum Project

Faculty and students from the medical schools in Ontario have collaborated to create this web-based learning tool that aims to improve health care by integrating gender and health into all areas of medical education. Learn to apply the 'Gender Lens' in modules such as 'Gender and Cardiovascular Disease' and 'Gender and Depression'