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Pharmaceutical & Healthcare Management and Innovation

sources for company information


Company websites
Show how the company is structured –  product range and new products, target markets, geographic and line of business segments, locations, distribution channels, etc.
Pharmaceutical companies may segment their business by product/market - ie. 'vaccines' or by country/region or both. Determining where the Canadian division or location fits within the parent company is key.
              Follow your company on Twitter and Subscribe to their YouTube channel.
If the company is public, find key financial reports - annual reports or 10K’s under headings such as “Investor Relations” or “Our Company”. Transcripts and recordings of 'Earnings Conference Calls' may be available - senior management discussing financial results and product launches with industry analysts. 

See Companies/Markets tab at the top. Global company and industry snapshots including financials, ranked lists of peers (competitors), and the latest news reports. 


financial information on thousands of active and inactive U.S., Canadian and international public companies. Key features include 15 years of detailed financial statements, fundamental data, key financial ratios, earnings estimates, stock information, business descriptions, and current headline news. Edgar and Sedar regulatory filings. 
  *Includes Investext database - equity analyst reports on global public companies.