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HIST 329: Britain Since 1851

Featured Websites

Institute of Historical Research

Internet History Sourcebooks Project 
A collection of primary source documents from ancient to modern times, for example:

National Gallery London - For researchers

National Archives (UK) - Education

Victoria and Albert Museum - Search the collections

Imperial War Museums - Collections

A Vision of Britain through Time
From 1801 and 2001 - including maps, statistical trends and historical description

The Cabinet Papers, 1915-1979 (from the National Archives)

British Cartoon Prints (Library of Congress)

East India Company at Home, 1757-1857

Charles Booth's London

Tips for Effective Web Searching

Use quotes to locate a specific phrase, e.g. "East India Company".

Limit your searches to a specific high level domain such as .edu, .org, .gov, and more, you can use the site: command to accomplish this. An easier way to do this is use Google Advanced Search and then enter preferred doman  in the site or domain box.

For example, you only want to search U.S. academic educational sites for something. Limit our search results by typing or type .edu in the search box. 

Check Purdue OWL's guide on Searching Online.