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HLTH 404: Global Studies of Social Inclusion, Community Participation & Mental Health

Health Studies

Evaluating Sources

Evaluating your sources is a crucial step of the research process. You need to evaluate carefully each source to determine its appropriateness and quality.

Evaluation criteria includes:

  • Currency: The timeliness of the information.
  • Relevance: The depth and importance of the information.
  • Authority: The source of the information.
  • Accuracy: The reliability of the information.
  • Purpose: The possible bias in the information.
  • Appearance: The organization, layout, and interactivity.
  • Perspective: The voices that are represented.

Please refer to the library's Evaluating Sources Checklist and Evaluating Web Resources.

Critical Literacy

Critical literacy ensures that anti-racism, anti-discrimination, and decolonization is put into practice. Engaging in critical information literacy, readers are encouraged to ask questions such as where the power is in the text, whose viewpoint is present, and whose is missing.