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Journal Publishing Guide

Author Guidelines

For Authors

At Queen's Library, we believe in supporting fair, open and sustainable publishing models that enable timely dissemination of scholarship at reasonable costs.

Supported by the Library, Queen's Journal Hosting Service provides an immediate and efficient publication facility for Queen’s faculty and students who wish to establish their own journal, series or proceedings publication.

Publish with One of Our Journal Teams

If you are a author seeking a publishing venue:

Queen's Journal Hosting Service service does not support the publication of single manuscripts as a self-publishing outlet.

OJS and Your Submission

Once you submit your article to a Queen's Journal hosted on the Open Journal Systems publishing platform, you have the: 

  • Ability to easily track a submission: in OJS 3 authors can track the progress of their submission by logging into the journal website and going to the Submissions page.  From here they can view the submissions listed with the current stage of the editorial workflow it is in. Click the stage name to interact with that stage.
  • Ability to easily communicate with editorial staff: In each stage an author will have access to a discussion area to track communications from the editor at various stages in the review process:
    • In review: during the review stage, you'll see a status update at the top, which will keep you informed as reviewers are recruited, assigned and submit their reviews.  During the review stage, you may be asked to submit revisions which address any concerns raised. When logged in to OJS, you will see a 'Revisions' panel where you can upload new files for the editor. 
    • In editing: If an editor or editorial assistant needs more information from you, they'll be able to open a discussion. When that happens, you'll be notified by email so that you can respond. You won't be able to initiate discussions on most stages, but they'll appear if one has been initiated by the editors.