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ENSC 310: Environmental Policy

This guide provides library research support for ENSC310: Environmental Policy.

Research & Instruction Librarian

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Maggie Gordon
Douglas Library
Room 520
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Tips for Finding Articles

1. Formulate a specific research question

For example: How does climate change affect Indigenous communities in Canada? 

2. Identify the main concepts, these become your keywords 

For this topic, our main concepts would be: climate change, Indigenous communities, and Canada

3. Brainstorm synonyms or related terms for each concept

Researchers might also talk about climate change by saying: global warming, climate warming, global cooling, climate cooling, etc. 

4. Combine those terms using Boolean Operators (AND, OR, NOT), quotations marks, and brackets

("climate change" OR "global warming") AND ("Indigenous communities" OR "First Nations communities") AND Canada

How might this look in a database search?

Start Searching

Where's the Article?

If the full-text is not available in the database, click on the Get It @ Queen's button to see if the article is available electronically (either from a journal or another database) or in print.

If the article is not available, you can request a copy using Interlibrary Loans. It's free!

Is it scholarly/peer-reviewed?

If you want to know whether or not a journal is peer-reviewed, look it up using:

Depending on the database, you may also be able to refine/filter your results by publication type (i.e. book, peer-reviewed article, literature review, conference proceeding, etc.).