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International Transgender Day of Visibility

Liaison Librarian

Profile Photo
Sylvia Andrychuk


  • Transgender Studies Quarterly (2014 - Present)
    TSQ: Transgender Studies Quarterly is an interdisciplinary, peer-reviewed, academic journal co-founded by two of the most consequential scholars in transgender studies since the field's inception in the early 1990s: Susan Strkyer and Paisley Currah. According to the publisher, the journal publishes works "that explore the diversity of gender, sex, sexuality, embodiment, and identity in ways that have not been adequately addressed by feminist and queer scholarship. Its mission is to foster a vigorous conversation among scholars, artists, activists, and others that examines how “transgender” comes into play as a category, a process, a social assemblage, an increasingly intelligible gender identity, an identifiable threat to gender normativity, and a rubric for understanding the variability and contingency of gender across time, space, and cultures."
  • Transgender Health (2016 - Present)
    Transgender Health became the first peer-reviewed academic journal dedicated to the healthcare needs of transgender people when it began publishing in 2016. It continues to be published bimonthly.
  • International Journal of Transgender Health (2020 - Present)
    According to its publisher, The International Journal of Transgender Health "offers an international, multidisciplinary scholarly forum for publication in the field of transgender health in its broadest sense for academics, practitioners, policy makers, and the general population
  • Transgender Tapestry (1995 - 2008)
    Transgender Tapestry was a magazine published by the International Foundation for Gender Education from 1979 to 2009.



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