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ARTC801 - Chemistry and Related Resources for Art Conservation

Chemistry in Art


The Alchemist Discovering Phosphorus (Joseph Wright, 1771)


Welcome to the Chemistry and Related Resources for Art Conservation research guide. The purpose of this guide is to direct you to the key STEM resources of interest to art conservationists.

The section on Chemistry Databases & Search Engines contains information on databases such as SciFinder and PubChem. Use these tools to locate references to chemical substances in the published literature.

Under Chemical and Physical Properties you will find links to online handbooks and databases containing physical and chemical property data for millions of chemical substances.

A vast and growing amount of chemical data can be found on the internet. Chemical Data on the Web contains links to chemical search engines and archives.

For information on chemicals found in contemporary and historical products, consult the sections on Chemical Products and Historical Information.

The Standards section contains links to ASTM and CSA standards and other standards collections and search engines.

I hope you will find this guide useful. I am also available for research consultations. My contact information is in the Profile box on the right. Please feel free to contact me for further assistance or to recommend a resource for this guide.