Resources for secondary market research for your business idea:
Canadian and Provincial, U.S. and global industry research reports.
Provides industry level competitor and sector competition information.
Mergent Online
Financial information, business descriptions and news on U.S., Canadian and international public companies.
Provides firm-level information on competitors in your industry sector.
Includes company profiles and financials, broad industry sector reports, economic research, and the Investext module - equity analyst reports on global public companies.
Investext search tip: +Keywords. In the drop-down menu, choose where you want to search for the keyword (Headline or Whole Report)
Multiple keywords in one search box => searched as a phrase
Multiple keywords separated by comma => results will contain all keywords (but not necessarily next to each other)
Mergent Intellect
Covers private US, Canadian and global businesses and US public companies.
Provides firm-level information on publicly listed competitors in your industry sector
Includes global corporate family trees and locations.
Also First Research industry reports, US census data and Key Business Ratios (KBR).
Generate company lists by size, industry, location and other criteria.