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DEVS 220: Introduction to Indigenous Studies

Suggested Keywords

There are many ways to describe the concepts around decolonization.  When you are searching for books, e-books, scholarly journal articles and other information you may want to think about using and combining the following terms. This is not an exhaustive list, as you read further and develop your knowledge of the issues around education and decolonization other terms may emerge. The following terms adapted from work originally done by Cory Laverty and Ian Fanning.

Indigenous, native, Aboriginal, First Nations, Indian, Inuit, Metis, Cree, Haudenosaunee, Anishinaabe

traditional knowledge, culture and beliefs, experience, social customs and traditions, recorded and oral history, globalization, colonial, settler, Indian Act, Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples

Indigenous governance
self-determination, self-governance, jurisdiction, intergovernmental relations

pedagogy, strategies, learning, environments, authentic tasks, native languages, indigenous languages, ways of knowing

Oral narrative
oral, memoir, diary, primary, narrative, story and storytelling, story work