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EMPR 220: Conflict Resolution

Collective Agreements

Collective Agreements e-Library Portal  (Ontario Ministry of Labour)

Public and private sector collective agreements in Ontario.
Search by Employer, Union, Location, etc
Negotech  (Employment and Social Development Canada)
A searchable repository, provides access to the full text of collective agreements, benefit changes and latest wage adjustments.

Labour Law

Freely available legislative and judicial texts, as well as legal commentaries, from federal and all provincial and territorial jurisdictions. Includes labour boards, tribunals and texts of decisions from bodies including the Public Service Labour Relations Board and Ontario Labour Relations Board.
LabourSource Canadian resource  (Westlaw)
Contains an extensive collection of court, arbitration and labour board decisions, legislation and commentaries including online versions of:
Canadian Labour Arbitration Summaries (C.L.A.S.)
Also available at Lederman Law Library Topical Reports: Labour/Employment (Canada) from 1986-
 Labour Arbitration Cases (L.A.C)
Also available at Lederman Law Library: Topical Reports: Labour/Employment (Canada) from 1948- (includes 2nd, 3rd, 4th series)
 Brown & Beatty, Canadian Labour Arbitration 
Also available at Lederman Law Library KE3206.A6.B76 2006 (v.001 & v.002 on Reserve) from 2006-
Adams, Canadian Labour Law