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New Books and Resources in Engineering and Science


Protocols for Cyanobacteria Sampling and Detection of Cyanotoxin
Lichens: macrolichens of Ontario and the Great Lakes Region of the United States
The Badgers of Wytham Woods
The Dynamics of Plant Growth
Wetzel's Limnology (4th Edition)
Tracking Environmental Change Using Lake Sediments
Ecology of the Bay of Quinte
Biology and Management of the German Cockroach
Encyclopedia of Soils in the Environment
A Miscellany of Bats
Evolution and the Machinery of Chance
The Nature of Oaks
Botanical Entanglements: Women, Natural Science, and the Arts in Eighteenth-century England
How to Publish in Biological Sciences
The Man Who Organized Nature
A (Very) Short History of Life on Earth
A Philosophy for the Science of Animal Consciousness
Seabirds in the North-East Atlantic: Climate Change Vulnerability and Potential Conservation Actions
Science and Sustainability: Learning from Indigenous Wisdom
Sustainable Fishery Systems
Agents and Implications of Landscape Pattern
Treasure Your Exceptions
What We Are: the Evolutionary Roots of Our Future
50 Years of Bat Research
Animal Locomotion
Nature Remade
Conservation Physiology