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Finding Theses and Dissertations

This guide includes information about how to locate print and electronic theses or dissertations produced by students at Queen’s as well as those produced by students at other institutions, both in Canada and overseas.

Canadian Theses

  • Theses Canada

    • Library and Archives Canada provides comprehensive access to Canadian theses via the These Canada Portal*
    • 1965 onwards*: (microform)
      1998 onwards: Electronic theses and dissertations are harvested monthly from Canadian universities. However, for those that have been digitized by ProQuest Disserations & Theses, there is a four-year contractual time lag to access fulltext. Available to anyone on the web. 

      Older theses may also be available digitally. Please check the Thesis Canada site to locate pre-1998 theses.

      NOTE: Library and Archives Canada (LAC) ceased its interlibrary loan (ILL) service as of December 2012. Queen’s is no longer able to borrow material held at LAC which includes newspapers and archival material on microfilm and Canadian university theses.
  • ProQuest Dissertations and Theses

    A comprehensive collection of dissertations and theses from around the world from 1861-present.
    Full text since 1997, with strong retrospective full text coverage for older graduate works.
    Abstracts since 1980 for doctoral dissertations and since 1988 for masters' theses.
    Citations since 1861.

    Citations are indexed in Web of Science in the ProQuest ™ Dissertations & Theses Citation Index collection.