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GNDS 350: Feminism, the Body, and Visual Culture

Finding Articles

Use an article index to find journal articles on your topic. Articles are smaller in scope than books and can therefore focus on more particular aspects of a given topic. Since articles are faster to produce and publish, the most up-to-date research often appears in this form.

Get it at Queen's buttonSome indexes and databases contain the full text of journal articles, but if the full text is not readily available, click the Get it@Queen's button.

Gender Studies Databases

Gender Studies Database
Provides interdisciplinary coverage of gender-related topics, including women's studies, men's studies, ethnic studies, health issues and sexual diversity. 

LGBTQ+ Source
Indexes articles, books, magazines, newspapers, reviews, websites, biographies, reference works, and more, on Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender issues.

Wider in scope, the following databases also useful for topics in gender studies:

Academic Search Complete

Sociological Abstracts

Evaluating Articles

In addition to scholarly journal articles, many article indexes and databases include citations to book chapters, magazine articles, book reviews, etc. Typically, for research assignments, the expectation is that you should be using scholarly journal articles. Scholarly journal articles are also known as "peer reviewed" - meaning, they have gone through an anonymous formal vetting and editing process, unlike articles in magazines or newspapers which are accepted at the discretion of a single editor. 

To restrict your search results to scholarly journal articles, look for this "limiter" in the database you are searching.