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Grey Literature

Business examples

Current, Canadian and international business, economic and policy issues.
Authoritative evidence-based resources will include statistics, reports and information - 'grey literature' - found on government, research institute and advocacy organization websites. Newspaper articles, online media and scholarly articles will help in identifying useful sites and reputable sources of information. 

Finding credible and reputable sources means thinking about the range of players involved in the issue and what information they may publish.

These could be:

      • companies, financial institutions, banks
      • the markets – stock, bond, commodities, currency
      • industry and trade associations, stakeholder and advocacy organizations
      • economists, think tanks, research institutes, consulting firms
      • governments – international, federal, provincial, municipal & NGO's, IGO's
      • public agencies - health units, environmental agencies, universities, police, courts
      • media – newspapers, magazines, tv, social
      • analysts – equity research

Media reports can provide clues to information sources.  Look further than the headline and ask:

What did the journalist base the story on

        is there a report, a website, some stats?

Who did they interview

     a politician, public health or business leader, scientist or academic?

     from what agency or organization?