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HIST 214: Global History of Food


Omni includes content from the various research databases to which QUL subscribes but not everything is included.

If you are looking for information on a very specific topic, or a topic that is subject specific, it is recommended that you search databases that specialize in that subject area for more thorough results.

History Indexes and Databases

America: History and Life 
Indexes the literature covering the history and culture of the United States and Canada from pre-historic times to the present

Historical Abstracts
Indexes and abstracts journal articles, books and dissertations. Covers the history of the world from 1450 to the present (excluding the United States and Canada).

Academic Search Complete
Multi-disciplinary database of both scholarly and general interest articles. 

A multidisciplinary database of archived scholarly journals, containing a great deal of historical material.

Other Databases to Consider

Business Source Premier
A scholarly business database covering all aspects of business, commerce, finance and economics, with full text and abstracts for the most important business journals.

A comprehensive, indexed bibliography with selected abstracts of the world's economic literature

ProQuest One Business
Contains a broad array of business information, from scholarly journals and dissertations, to company, industry and market focused trade news.

Sociological Abstracts
Abstracts and indexes the international literature in sociology and related disciplines in the social and behavioral sciences.

Featured Journals

Cover image of Global Food History    

       Anthropology of Food

       Food, Culture and Society

       Food and Foodways

       Food Policy

       Global Food History

       Gastronomica: the Journal of Food and Culture


Why Use a Index

Use an article index to find journal articles on your topic, as well as other materials related to history.  

Some will contain the full text of journals and those that don't usually provide links to the full text if it is available via other databases in our collection

Evaluate Articles

Articles are important in your research as they contain the most-up-to-date research in a given field and often focus on a particular aspect of a topic.

But not all journal articles will be useful for your essay so you will need to evaluate before you use them. 

Consult our guide, Distinguishing Scholarly from Non Scholarly Periodicals, to discover the difference between scholarly, trade and popular periodicals.