Search Omni, the catalogue of the Queen's University Library, by author, title, keyword, subject, or call number to find books and other materials in our collection. Boolean searching can be very useful to find books on topics or information in other formats, especially if you don't know the correct subject heading, or specific author(s)or title(s).
Search by Boolean operators using AND|OR|NOT to combine terms
Narrow or refine search by adding other terms: e.g.
beethoven AND fidelio
beethoven AND fidelio AND overture AND disc
Broaden search using the * symbol to truncate for variable word endings (e.g. nouns, adjectives, singular or plural) or by using OR between similar or possible terms nested in brackets: e.g.
tango* and politic* and (argentin* or uruguay*)
tango* and (disc OR sound OR video*) (for music or dance on sound or videorecordings)
Use quotes around a phrase or concept: e.g.
"il pleure dans mon coeur" (for instrumental or song titles in scores and recordings)
"world music*" (use ? truncation symbol for concepts expressed in singular or plural form)
Limit large result sets by library location or by using NOT: e.g.
tango* (limit to Music Collection (in Stauffer Library) for music; to Stauffer Library for dance/interdisciplinary materials)
beethoven and symphon* and "op. 68" NOT (disc OR sound) (to find books and/or scores only)
From your results, select useful titles and click on the subjects assigned to find other books on your topic.