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Search Omni to find books (and other materials) owned by the Library. You may search by keywords, author, title or subject headings.
Once you have located a book of interest, use the subject headings to identify additional resources on your topic.
Use the filters in Omni to refine your search results, by format (eg. books & ebooks, journal articles, etc). The filters are located along the left hand side of the search results screen:
The African-Canadian Legal Odyssey (book and ebook)
Race on Trial: Black Defendants in Ontario’s Criminal Courts, 1858-1958 (book and ebook)
Policing Black Bodies: How Black lives are Surveilled and how to Work for Change (book, earlier ed. ebook)
Policing Black Lives: State Violence in Canada from Slavery to the Present (only print available):
Viola Desmond’s Canada: a History of Blacks and Racial Segregation in the Promised Land (only print available)
Freedom’s Conditions in the U.S.-Canadian Borderlands in the Age of Emancipation (only print available)
North of the Color Line: Migration and Black Resistance in Canada (print and ebook)