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PHIL 378: Philosophy and Intersectionality

This guide provides recommended research resources and search strategies for effectively and efficiently locating resources to support coursework in Philosophy 378.


Articles are important sources for your research as they contain the most-up-to-date research in a given field and often focus on a particular aspect of a topic. There are different types of articles: scholarly, popular or trade. If you are looking for scholarly or peer reviewed articles, you can typically restrict your search results to only peer reviewed journal articles by applying a search limit in the database.

Limiting to Scholarly Peer Reviewed Articles

If you are looking for scholarly or peer reviewed journals, you can typically restrict your search results to return results published in peer-reviewed journals by applying a search limit in the database. There are also limits to restrict your search results further, such as to articles or book reviews.

Finding Articles with Indexes and Databases

Omni includes millions of articles, from popular sources such as magazines and newspapers to scholarly, peer reviewed articles found in journals.  Because Omni is searching across all our databases, the resources in Omni span across all subjects and disciplines. Use a subject-focused index or database to locate the best articles on your topic, for your discipline, such as the ones recommended on this guide. 

Some indexes and databases will contain the full text of journals or magazines, and those that don't usually provide links to the full text if it is available via other databases in our collection.

Indexes for Film Studies

Film and Telelvision Literature Index with Full Text
Indexes over 560 journals with more than 160 full-text journals, and 160 full-text books.

Entertainment Industry Magazine Archive
Has full-text runs scanned cover-to-cover in color of core U.S. and U.K. trade papers and magazines, such as Variety, Boxoffice, Broadcast, The Hollywood Reporter, and American Cinematographer to name a few. 

Social Science Databases

Academic Search Complete
One of the largest multidisciplinary article indexes. Find articles in peer-reviewed journals, conference proceedings, monographs and reports covering a broad spectrum of topics.

Black Studies Center
Black Studies Center is a fully cross-searchable gateway to Black Studies including scholarly essays, recent periodicals, historical newspaper articles, and much more. 

Gender Studies Database
Provides interdisciplinary coverage of gender-related topics, including women's studies, men's studies, ethnic studies, health issues and sexual diversity.

Sociological Abstracts
Covers sociological topics within such fields as anthropology, communications, crime, economics, education, community development, public policy, political studies, religion and social psychology.

Selected Journals

Black Camera

Black Camera is devoted to the study and documentation of the black cinematic experience and is the only scholarly film journal of its kind in the United States. 

For the last half-century, the Journal of Black Studies has been the leading source for dynamic, innovative, and creative research on the Black experience.

Spectrum journal cover image

Spectrum: A Journal on Black Men is a multidisciplinary research journal whose articles will focus on issues related to aspects of Black men's experiences, including such topics as gender, masculinities, and race/ethnicity.