Do you need to look at historical statutes? Our Canadian Legislation page will show you what's available online, and we have full runs of historical statutes in print in the law library.
Don't forget that regulations are also law. You can use our Canadian Legislation page to locate reliable sources.
Before beginning a full-text search, save time and increase precision by using the Canadian Abridgment ( available on Westlaw Edge) or the Canada Digest (on Lexis Advance Quicklaw) to find summaries of cases by topic.
For full-text case law searches, have you considered all the ways your topic might be expressed by different judges at different times? Look again at your keywords to make sure you have all the relevant synonyms.
For full-text case law searches, if you have a broad topic or are retrieving too many cases, consider what subset of cases you need to search. Can you narrow it by jurisdiction? By timeframe? By court level?
Words and Phrases
Are there any words or phrases that are ambiguous or may have a specialized legal meaning?
**Once you have written up your research, don't forget the citations. The standard legal citation style in Canada is the McGill Guide (the Canadian Guide to Uniform Legal Citation). It is available in print or in Westlaw Edge Canada.**