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Western Intellectual History


Consult bibliographies to find a comprehensive list of sources on a specific topic or a selective list of key works on a topic. To find out what bibliographies the Library has, do a subject search in Omni. To find bibliographies on a specific person, search Omni by subject, for example:
Bibliography of British History...series
To 1485. REF Z2017 .B5
1485 - 1603. Tudor England. REF Z2018 .R28 1959
1603 - 1714. Stuart Period. REF Z2018 .D25 1970
1714 - 1789. Eighteenth Century. REF Z2018 .P37 1951
1789 - 1851. REF Z2019 .B76
1851 - 1914. REF Z2019 .H35
1914 - 1989. REF Z2020 .R63 1996
These bibliographies cover "all aspects of history: political, constitutional, legal, ecclesiastical, economic, military, cultural, and social". Includes books, journal articles, pamphlets and government documents. "Indispensable for the student of history".
Bibliography of Works on John Stuart Mill
Z8574.8.L34 1982
The Era of the French Revolution: a Bibliography of the History of Western Civilization, 1789-1799
REF Z2178.C34 1985
German History and Civilization, 1806-1914: a Bibliography of Scholarly Periodical Literature
REF Z2239.F68 1974t
German Nationalisms: a Bibliographic Approach
Z2241.N28B88 1985
Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels: an Analytical Bibliography
Z8551.67.E94 1984t (Compact Shelving)
Medieval Studies: A Bibliographical Guide
REF Z5579.5.C76 1983
Lists the "major collections and secondary literature considered to be of basic importance for the history and the culture of the western European Middle Ages, Byzantium, and medieval Islamic civilizations".
Lists books, journals, primary documents, web resources, and multimedia in various discipline-based subject modules including Renaissance and Reformation.
Socrates: an Annotated Bibliography
Z8824.34.N38 1988


Oxford Bibliographies offers peer-reviewed annotated bibliographies which will help you to narrow the vast number of citations to the best scholarship on a given topic.

Bibliographies are browseable by subject area and keyword searchable.

For example, there is a research guide on Medieval Studies.