Earlier, we indicated that we use Omni to find books by author, title and topic keywords. In addition, we considered how Omni can be used to locate books. In this module, we turn to finding articles - specifically scholarly journal articles.
In this module we will address:
Articles are one of the best sources of information on any given topic. They can contain news, detailed analysis, or the results of a scientific study. Issued "periodically" in daily, weekly, monthly, quarterly or irregular intervals, articles are found in a variety of publications including journals, magazines and newspapers. These publications can be in print and/or online.
Articles in scholarly journals are a critical source of authoritative information, as they contain the results of original academic research or experimentation. Scholarly journals are also referred to as "academic," "peer-reviewed," or "refereed" journals. Using scholarly or peer-reviewed journal articles is frequently a requirement in many course assignments.
Criteria |
Newspapers |
Popular Magazines |
Scholarly Journals |
Purpose/Intent |
To provide information on current events. |
To inform or entertain readers on general interest topics in broad subject fields. |
Report on original research or experimentation. |
Author(s) |
Journalists on staff or freelance writers. |
Staff or freelance writers. |
Scholar/expert within an academic field or discipline. |
Editing |
Newspaper editor reviews submitted articles. |
Magazine editor reviews submitted articles. |
Experts in the field review articles submitted for publication. Publications that undertake this editorial process are also known as peer-reviewed or refereed publications. |
Intended Audience |
General public. |
General public. |
Professors, researchers, college and university students. |
Language |
Simple, non-technical, easy to understand. |
Some simple, others more demanding but still easy to understand and non-technical. |
Specialized vocabulary of the discipline. |
Appearance |
Black and white, some colour, containing many photographs and illustrations. |
Slick, glossy, contain photographs and illustrations. Shorter articles. |
Serious look. Plain, black and white, containing charts, graphs, and tables. Lengthy articles and academic level book reviews.
Advertising |
Contain extensive advertising. |
Contain extensive advertising. |
Selective advertising. Few ads, usually for publications or services in the discipline. |
Publisher |
Commercial publishers. Frequency varies but usually daily. |
Commercial publishers. Usually published weekly or monthly. |
Universities Published monthly, quarterly, semi-annually, or annually. |
References |
Usually do not cite. Sources sometimes quoted in article text. |
Usually do not cite. Sources sometimes quoted in article text. |
Extensive documentation. |
Examples |
New York Times |
Harper’s |
Canadian Journal of Development Studies |
In the course of your research you will undoubtedly come across articles you want to locate through the reference lists in a course textbook, encyclopedias and other readings you may have done. A reference to an article has two titles: (1) title of the article, and (2) title of the periodical (journal, magazine or newspaper) in which the article is published.
James, Susan. 2006. "Lost in the Fray: State HIV/AIDS Policies in South Africa and their Impact on Women." Canadian Journal of Development Studies 27 (2): 195-210. |
When you have a citation to an article you want to locate there are a variety of options for locating it.
Tips for Finding Journals at Queen's Library
Often when you are doing research you don't have an article or book title in mind but, rather, you have a topic. The best resources to use for locating articles on a topic are the Library's indexes and article databases.
An index is a list of citations to material (such as journal articles, book chapters, conference papers and other key information sources in your research) arranged by subject, author or title. It can be in print or electronic format. |
A database is an organized collection of electronic records presented in a standardized format, searchable in a variety of ways, such as by title, author, subject, and keyword. Examples include the Queen's Library catalogue and the various citation, abstract and full text databases to which Queen's Library subscribes. |
As these research tools have a common purpose (to allow you to locate articles) the two terms are often used interchangeably.
The Library subscribes to hundreds of online article indexes and databases (over 650 databases at last count) on a wide range of subjects. The content varies from database to database - many contain full text articles, others contain videos, images and music. For most databases, publisher licensing agreements with Queen's University restrict access to members of the Queen's community.
The ATLA Religion Database® (ATLA RDB®) is the premier index to journal articles, book reviews, and collections of essays in all fields of religion, with coverage from 1949 and retrospective indexing for some journal issues as far back as the nineteenth century. Journals are selected for inclusion according to their scholarly merit and scope.
A handy suite of brief tutorials demonstrate how to use ATLA database search features and search content.Tutorials include:
Another important point about subscription Library databases is that they contain content/information (citations or full text articles, for example) that is not freely available through other search tools such as web search engines like Bing, Google and Yahoo. Subscription databases also provide a variety of search options including the ability to limit to scholarly journal content and full text. Frequently discipline specific databases also provide a thesaurus, which enables the searcher to locate citations based on a controlled vocabulary (which is much more specific than a keyword search). As such, these types of library subscription databases are your primary gateway to the scholarly literature in your field.
From the Library Homepage there are several ways to find an article index or database that covers the literature of your discipline. The Library Research LibGuide for Religious Studies provides a list of recommended article databases. When you know what type of information you are looking for (articles, books, websites, etc.) the Research Guide is an excellent starting point.
Multidisciplinary databases cover a range of subject areas. If your topic does not fall neatly into one subject area, or if you would like different perspectives on your topic, these general databases can be a good place to start your research. The library has produced a list of Multidisciplinary Databases in the Humanities and Social Sciences.
The fastest way to access a database when you know the title of it is to click on the Databases link on the library homepage directly below the Omni search box. One multidisciplinary databases that is often useful to students conducting research in the religious studies domain is Academic Search Complete.
Academic Search Complete
As mentioned earlier, if you know the name of the database you wish to search, you can enter it from the Databases link.
Academic Search Complete is a multi-disciplinary index (with abstracts) to more than 10,900 publications including peer-reviewed journals, conference proceedings, monographs and reports. Approximately 50% of the journal titles also contain the full-text of articles. If the full text of the article is not available in the database itself, click the "Get it at Queen's" icon to search for the article's availability through Queen's Library subscriptions.
Although it is on a different platform from CBCA, the search principles remain the same. Related topic words are entered in each search box, separated by default with the Boolean operator AND. Using the dropdown arrows, you can switch the default AND to OR or NOT. AND is usually the preferred setting: