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Art History

Finding Exhibition Catalogues

Use the subheading “exhibitions” in a Boolean search for exhibition catalogues:

rembrandt AND exhibition* [truncated for singular or plural]

rembrandt AND exhibition* AND agnes

"van gogh" AND exhibition* AND (arles OR provence)

Finding Conferences

Use the subheading “congresses” in a Boolean search for proceedings, conferences, symposia, annual meetings

rembrandt AND congress* [truncated for singular or plural]

"van eyck" AND congress*

painting AND renaissance AND congress*

Finding Books, Exhibition Catalogues and Conferences

Search Omni, the catalogue of Queen's University Library, by Any field (using Boolean keywords), Author/Creator, Title, Subject, or Call Number to find books, conferences, exhibition catalogues and other material formats in our collection.
Use Boolean search operators AND, OR, NOT to combine terms, do phrase searching or truncate terms to find books on topics, or information in other formats, especially if you don't know the correct subject heading, or specific author or title.
Narrow or refine search by adding other terms: e.g.

altarpiece AND ghent
orientalism AND art AND 19th
Broaden search using the * symbol to truncate for variable word endings (e.g. nouns, adjectives, singular or plural) or by using OR between similar or possible terms nested in brackets: e.g.
altarpiece* AND ghent
sculpture* AND (rodin OR degas)
caravaggio AND exhibition* AND ottawa
"van gogh" AND video* (for all formats of videorecordings) [or search "van gogh" and use the Omni Videos limit filter]
courtauld AND congress* (tip: add "congress*" to the name of any organisation or type of conference)

* Note the nested (i.e. bracketed) search for similar or possible terms, in conjunction with your AND term.

Use quotes around a phrase or concept: e.g.
"art deco"
"material culture" AND (aborigin* OR indigen* OR native OR "first nation*")
Limit large result sets by library location or by using "NOT": e.g.
sculpture AND degas NOT rodin
"arts and crafts" (tip: limit to Queen's Location “Art Collection”)
"material culture" (limit to a library - e.g. "Stauffer" or  location "Art Collection" )
From your results, select useful titles and click on Subject to find other books on your topic.

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