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Reading Michael Ondaatje


Articles are smaller in scope than books and can therefore focus on more particular aspects of a given topic. Since articles are faster to produce and publish, the most up-to-date research often appears in this form.

Key Literature Indexes

Searches scholarly writing on literature, linguistics, modern languages, drama, folklore, national literatures, literary genres, etc. Indexes journals, books, conference proceedings, essay collections, bibliographies, and dissertations. 
Searchable database of more than 350,000 works of English and American poetry, drama, and prose. Also indexes criticism from ABELL (The Annual Bibliography of English Language and Literature) and MLA. See help guide.

Other Relevant Indexes

Indexes articles to a wide diversity of Canadian periodicals, ranging from academic titles to special interest publications to general magazines, including the  following scholarly journals: Canadian Literature; Studies in Canadian Literature; Essays on Canadian Writing; University of Toronto Quarterly; American Review of Canadian Studies; Journal of Canadian Studies; Canadian Review of Comparative Literature.
Canadian Literary Periodicals IndexCanadian resource
REF PS8001 .C294t (1992 & 1997)
Indexes Canadian primary materials and secondary sources, with sections on finding poetry, short stories, novels, plays, literary essays, critical essays, and book reviews. This index is a continuation of the Canadian Literature Index, REF PS8001 .C294t (1985-1988).
An interdisciplinary index to over 400 English and French Canadian periodicals indexed by author and subject, with special headings for book reviews, poems, film reviews, drama, and short stories.

Why Use a Index

Use an article index to find journal articles on your topic, as well as criticism and other materials related to literature. 

Some will contain the full text of journals and those that don't usually provide links to the full text if it is available via other databases in our collection.


Evaluate Articles

Articles are important in your research as they contain the most-up-to-date research in a given field and often focus on a particular aspect of a topic.

But not all journal articles will be useful for your essay so you will need to evaluate before you use them. 

Consult our guide, Distinguishing Scholarly from Non Scholarly Periodicals, to discover the difference.