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MINE330 Mineral Industry Economics

Forming your search strategy

1. Define the scope of your search

  • what are you looking for? a book, some papers, multimedia or data, etc.
  • are you focusing on a particular location, time period, person, group or events, etc.
  • Is your topic very narrow and specific, is it theory, technology, standards/codes oriented
  • what do you know already about the topic and what else do you need to investigate

2. Start by writing down a list of keywords

  • Background knowledge reading may help you for more ideas and words
  • Check E-book Reference database such as Knovel

3. Choose the database you want to search

  • check the topic coverage of the database
  • check the time range covered by the database
  • Is it a local, national or international database
  • study the searching features provided by the database

4. Conduct your search and evaluate your results

  • Try OMNI search for a list of books, ebooks, or other materials
  • Try related database for published research paper

5.  Modify your search by using extra keywords and/or filter/limiting features from the databa