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GNDS 360: Masculinities, Cross Cultural Perspectives

Finding Books

Use Omni, the Library's academic search tool, to discover and locate books, ebooks, and book chapters on your topic. For information about how to search Omni, go to the Omni Search Tips guide.

A few tips:

  • When searching Omni for books, use the filters located on the search results screen to customize and limit your search results, only to books & e-books, for example. You can use the Advanced Search and and limit your search there as well. 
  • When you find relevant results, note the subject headings assigned. Refining your search using the same subject heading terminology may yield more precise results. You can also do subject searches (using subject headings) in the Advanced Search page in Omni.

Featured Books

Using Search Terms

Subject headings are standardized words or phrases, used to describe what the item (e.g. books or articles) is about.

Using subject headings will increase your chance of finding materials that are specific to your topic. Once you have located a resource that is of interest to you, you can sometimes use the subject heading which is assigned to that item to find similar items. On the resource details, this is labeled as "subject."

Examples of subject headings relating to masculinities:

  • Gender identity 
  • Men
  • Men -- Identity
  • Men's Studies
  • Masculinity
  • Masculinity in...
    • art
    • music
    • sports
    • theatre
  • Masculinity on television

Refer to The Homosaurus, an "international linked data vocabulary of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, and Queer (LGBTQ) terms" as a companion to subject headings (above) and support your keyword searching (e.g. the main ideas or topic of your search).