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GNDS 360: Masculinities, Cross Cultural Perspectives

Finding Articles: Omni

Omni includes content from the various research databases to which Queen's Library subscribes but not everything is included. If you are looking for information on a very specific topic, or a topic that is subject specific, it is recommended that you search databases that specialize in that subject area for more thorough results.

Detailed information about how to search Omni is available in the Omni Search Tips guide.

To find additional databases, see the library's database page.


Subject-Specific Article Databases

Gender Studies Database
Indexes scholarly journals and popular magazines covering gender-engaged scholarship.

LGBTQ+ Source
Provides scholarly and popular LGBTQ+ publications in full text, plus historically important primary sources, including monographs, magazines and newspapers. It also includes a specialized LGBTQ+ thesaurus containing thousands of terms

Sociological Abstracts
Comprehensive index to the international literature of sociology and related disciplines.

General Multidisciplinary Databases

Academic Search Complete
A large, multidisciplinary database providing thousands of full-text, peer-reviewed journals covering a broad spectrum of topics. 

Large arts and humanities collection. Covers mass media, digital media, film, literature, music and performing arts.

Project Muse
Project Muse provides access to full-text scholarly journals in the fields of literature and criticism, history, the visual and performing arts, cultural studies, education, political science, gender studies, economics, and more.

Search Engines

Google Scholar 
Use Google's scholarly search engine to locate articles from a wide variety of academic publishers, professional societies, preprint repositories and universities, as well as scholarly articles published on the "open" web. Access from the library's link to be prompted to enter your NetID and password, which will then activate the library's full text subscriptions via Google Scholar.

Information on set up: How do I set up Google Scholar for access to Queen's Library resources?


Although databases search multiple journals at once, if you already have a specific focus for your research, it may be helpful to go directly to the journal(s) relevant to your topic. 

Below are some journals related to Masculinities. To see the full list journals, you can perform a Journal Search by title on Omni.

Men and Masculinities
"Critical masculinities scholarship from around the world. With a goal to make cutting-edge research available to readers, instructors, researchers, and policymakers, the journal also acts as a collective of international and interdisciplinary scholars who engage current debates in gender and sexuality studies as a broader field of inquiry."

Journal of Men's Studies
Publishes both theoretical and empirical research "recognizing the varied influences of class, culture, race, and sexual orientation on defining men’s experiences"

Psychology of Men and Masculinities
This journal is devoted to the dissemination of scholarship that advances the psychology of men and masculinities. 

NORMA: International Journal for Masculinity Studies
Publishes articles about men and masculinities in social structures, to develop new approaches to 'intersections' with race, sexuality, class and coloniality.

Boyhood Studies
This journal provides a forum for the discussion of boyhood, young masculinities, and boys’ lives by exploring the full scale of intricacies, challenges, and legacies that inform male and masculine developments.

Journal of Men, Masculinities and Spirituality
Covers the full spectrum of masculinities and sexualities. Addresses not only monotheistic religions and spiritualities but also Eastern, indigenous, new religious movements and other spiritualities which resist categorization.

Types of Articles

Indexes and databases contain a variety of types of articles including popular (magazine) and academic or scholarly or peer-reviewed (journals). It is important to know the difference so that the sources you use for your assignments are scholarly, not popular. For more information, consult the guide Distinguishing Scholarly from Non Scholarly Periodicals.

When searching the recommended databases on this guide you can limit or restrict your search results to return only scholarly, peer-reviewed journal articles by selecting the appropriate "limiters" within the database.