Canadian Legislation, Court & Related Information (Highlighting Open Access Options)
Helps you find free, reliable sources for legislation, statutes, regulations, bills, gazettes, Hansard, Orders in Council, legislative assembly and court information for every Canadian province and territory.
Go to "Search Collections", select "Canada" from the basic search and select the relevant jurisdiction to see the legislative content in LLMC Digital (available to the Queen's community).
Reports and documents tabled in the Legislature, such as reports, financial statements, background information for bills, etc.
From the Internet Archive
The Ontario Scrapbook Hansard includes approximately 10,000-15,000 newspaper clippings that provide substantially verbatim transcripts of parliamentary debates and committee proceedings.
Search for civil and criminal cases before Ontario Superior Courts. Information available includes amount of lawsuit, next court date, and the date the lawsuit began. You will be prompted to create both a ONe-key account and then an Ontario Justice Account.