Search Omni to find books of criticism, biographies, bibliographies, concordances, literary glossaries, dictionaries, and encyclopedias on William Shakespeare.
Do an Author search to find books by a literary author, e.g. William Shakespeare
shakepeare william (within author)
Do a Subject search for find books about a literary author, e.g. William Shakespeare
shakespeare william (within subject heading)
Subject headings allow you to search the library catalogue for resources on a particular author or topic and are often more productive than keyword searches.
Keyword searches work best if you have mulitiple concepts or topics. Use the results to find relevant titles and identify assigned subject headings for your topic in order to find similar books.
Start with the broad subject heading, Shakespeare William 1564-1616 and then browse the subheadings. Some examples:
For works about specific poem. do a subject search with the poet's name and the title of the work. For example:
Milton John 1608-1674 Paradise lost
Additional subject headings that can be useful include:
English literature--Early modern, 1500-1700
English literature--Early modern, 1500-1700--History and criticism
English literature--16th century
English literature--16th century--History and criticism
English literature--17th century
English literature--17th century--History and criticism
English poetry--16th century
English poetry--16th century--History and criticism
English poetry--17th century
English poetry--17th century--History and criticism
Prose Literature
English prose literature--Early modern, 1500-1700
Useful subject headings for an overview of the historical period include:
England--Social conditions--17th century
England--Social life and customs--17th
Great Britain--History--Stuarts, 1603-
Great Britain--History--Tudors, 1485-
Great Britain--Politics and government--
Great Britain--Politics and government--
Great Britain--Politics and government--
Great Britain--Social life and customs--
16th century
Great Britain--Social life and customs--
17th century
Browsing the library shelves is another strategy for locating information on a topic.
Most books related to Shakespeare are located in the call number range PR2750 - PS3088 on the 4th floor of Stauffer Library.
Complete works: PR2752-2763
Sonnetts and Poems: PR2841-2848
Individual plays: PR2801-2839
Play is shelved first, followed by the criticism of the individual play
Most books related to John Donne are located in the call number range PR2245 - PR2248.
Most books related to John Milton are located in the call number range PR3550 - PR3598 with books on Paradise Lost in the call number range PR3560 - PR3565.
Books on Edmund Spenser can be found in the PR2350 - PR2368 call number range.