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European History

Dictionaries & Encyclopedias

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Online Resources

REF CB361.C27 2003
Designed as a dictionary with brief explanations of persons, ideas, and events, this volume emphasizes culture more strongly than politics. This volume does not attempt to compete with the Encyclopedia of the Renaissance but it stacks up well against other single-volume dictionaries of the Renaissance.
REF BR202.8.O93 1996
Four-volume set of articles by a team of experts on a wide range of topics.
REF B802.E53 2003
This four volume set largely focuses on British and North American perspectives of the enlightenment.
The "History" collection of reference works is one component in the Oxford Reference Online database, a huge and comprehensive resource which contains the full text of over 120 dictionaries, companions and other reference publications covering the complete subject spectrum.

Print Resources

A Dictionary of Battles
Covers more than 1,500 military engagements from Megiddo in 1479 B.C. to Vietnam in the 1960's.
Dictionary of Historical Terms
REF D9.C67 1998
Ranging over 1500 years, from the onset of the Dark Ages and the rise of Islam to the closing decade of the twentieth century.
Dictionary of Twentieth Century History, 1914-1990
REF D419.T44 1992
Includes short entries on people, places, events, organizations and terms.
Encyclopedia of the Enlightenment
REF D286.D5413 2001t
This 2 volume set, which has a French and European orientation, focuses primarily on concepts, bringing to bear recent advances in scholarship and new geographic and disciplinary approaches. There are articles on the countries and cultural regions where the Enlightenment flourished and on the major fields of intellectual activity, cultural institutions and anthropological categories.
Encyclopedia of the Renaissance
REF CB361 .E52 1999
Six volume set with nearly 1200 entries covering the time period from Italy in 1350 to the early 17th century. Articles range in length from less than a page to 25 (Humanism) and 46 pages (Renaissance). Bibliographies often feature primary sources as well as secondary resources in all languages.
European Political Facts
1648-1789 JN9.B3 1964
1789-1848 JN10.C65
1848-1918 JN10.C66 1978b
1900-1996 JN12.C637 1998
Provides brief information on various aspects of European political history, e.g. elections, heads of state, political parties, population and treaties.
Longman Companion to the First World War: Europe, 1914 - 1918
REF D521.N48 2001
The volume in the Longman Companions to History series is organized topically with chapters covering the roots of war, alliances and agreements, prewar crises and confrontations, battlefronts, home fronts, emergent nations, and war aims and peace efforts (including the 1919 Versailles Peace Conference). Other sections contain biographies of key military and political figures, a glossary of wartime terms, a bibliographic essay organized by issues, maps, and statistical charts showing casualties by country and the war's costs.
Longman Companion to Central and Eastern Europe since 1919
REF DJK38.W43 2002t
Following the format of the "Longman Companion" series, this volume explains the historical identity of Central and Eastern Europe and the region's languages. Eastern Europe is defined as the 1945-90 Soviet bloc, including Albania and Yugoslavia; East Germany and Russia are covered by other volumes in the series. The volume's sections begin with concise essays and include detailed chronologies. Besides history, topics include economics, environment, human statistics, culture, and brief biographies of important figures.
Longman Companions to History (Series)
SL (call number varies)
Good starting point for research to a major area of historical study. Check Omni under title, Longman Companions to History, to get a complete list of titles.
Longman Handbook of Early Modern Europe, 1453-1763
REF D209.C66 2001t
"Designed as a desktop companion for students", has sections that deal with political history, warfare and diplomacy, religion, European expansion, economy, and culture from the fall of Constantinople in 1453 to the Treaty of Paris in 1763. Includes maps, genealogical tables, an extensive glossary and
Bibliographies for each subject.

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