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Global Development Studies


To find books that are available electronically or in print search OMNI. 
To find books by a particular author/person, search by author:
guevara, ernesto
To find books about a particular author/person, search by subject heading:
guevara, ernesto, 1928-1967
To find books on a topic, use a keyword search if you do not know the correct subject heading for a topic. Think of the focus (or key) words that describe your topic.
development AND economics
Select useful titles and look at the full record for subject headings. Click on the subject heading to do a new search or use words from the subject heading to modify your keyword search.
Some useful Development Studies subject headings are:
Developing countries--Economic conditions
Developing countries--Social conditions
Globalization--Economic aspects--Developing countries
Income distribution--Developing countries
Development economics
International economic integration
To find books on a particular country's international economic relations (in general or with another country), use a subject heading search of the form:
(Country)--Foreign economic relations--(Country, if appropriate)
Therefore to find works on Canada's international relations with many countries, the search would contain
Canada--Foreign economic relations
To find works on Canada's international relations with Chile, the search would contain
Canada--Foreign economic relations--Chile

For help in searching OMNI refer to:

Omni: Overview

Omni Search: Getting Started