GLOBAL HEALTH brings together the resources of two internationally renowned databases - the Public Health and Tropical Medicine (PHTM) database, previously produced by the Bureau of Hygiene and Tropical Diseases (BHTD), and the human health and diseases information extracted from CAB ABSTRACTS.
The Global Health database covers the following aspects of human health and disease:
communicable diseases (including HIV/AIDS) tropical diseases, i.e, diseases in the tropics (including field and experimental studies) parasitic diseases and parasitology - medical entomology human nutrition (including food composition, food poisoning, effects of diet on health, nutritional disorders, and experimental aspects) community and public health (including chronic diseases, occupational health, health status indicators, the impact of agriculture on health, and cancer epidemiology) medicinal and poisonous plants (including pharmacology, tissue culture, animal studies, plant composition, allergens, and toxins)
Embase (Excerpta Medica Database) is a biomedical and pharmacological database produced by Elsevier B.V., containing more than 45 million records from over 8,500 journals published world-wide. It contains bibliographic records with citations, abstracts, and indexing derived from articles in peer reviewed journals, articles in preprint servers medRxiv and bioRxiv, and abstracts and papers from over 15,000 conferences. Embase has especially strong in its coverage of drug and pharmaceutical research, pharmacology and toxicology.
Use the Google search engine to locate articles from a wide variety of academic publishers, professional societies, preprint repositories and universities, as well as scholarly articles published on the "open" web.
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Ovid MEDLINE database contains more than 38 million references to biomedical and life sciences literature. The primary component of Ovid MEDLINE is MEDLINE, which is produced by the National Library of Medicine in the U.S. and contains more than 31 million references from over 5,200 scholarly journals published around the world. In addition to MEDLINE content, Ovid MEDLINE includes citations that are being processed for MEDLINE, citations that are out-of-scope from MEDLINE journals, "ahead of print" citations that precede the article's final publication in a MEDLINE journal, and more.
The same content in Ovid MEDLINE can also be searched in PubMed.
PubMed is a free literature database that contains more than 38 million references to biomedical and life sciences literature. The primary component of PubMed is MEDLINE, which is produced by the National Library of Medicine in the U.S. and contains more than 31 million references from over 5,200 scholarly journals published around the world. In addition to MEDLINE content, PubMed includes citations that are being processed for MEDLINE, citations that are out-of-scope from MEDLINE journals, "ahead of print" citations that precede the article's final publication in a MEDLINE journal, and more. Mobile access is available for PubMed.
The same content in PubMed can also be searched in Ovid MEDLINE .