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HIST 315: Modern Latin American History

Modern Latin American History


What is Omni?

Omni is the library search tool used to find items in Queen's Libraries and our partner libraries, as well to access articles and other electronic resources.

Discover the features of Omni in our overview guide.

Detailed information about how to search Omni is available in the Omni Search Tips guide.

Finding Books

You can search Omni to find books, book chapters, journals, scholarly articles, newspaper articles, reference entries, theses, musical scores, government documents, audio visual material, and more. You can search for a title, an author's name, or a subject.. 
On the library home page, one can enter search word(s) in the Simple search box to find them anywhere in an item's record. The default search scope is Queen's + Omni Libraries
Consult the Help Guide for guidance on how to construct your searches using Boolean operators, wildcards and quotation marks.
NOTE: In Omni, Boolean operators are case sensitive and must be entered in ALL CAPS.
You can Modify your Results (column on the left) and refine them using a variety of filters, including Availability, Resource Type, Publication Date, Language, books & ebooks and more.
Advanced Search
If you want more control over your search, use the Advanced Search option by clicking on the link on the home page. 

The default Advanced search is set to Queen's + Omni Libraries". This searches the collections of all Omni libraries (18 in total, all located in Ontario). It is possible however, to search only for the QUL collection by selecting Queens.
The Advanced search screen defaults to "Any field." This is a keyword search, meaning that the words you enter here can be retrieved in any part of the description of an item (e.g. title, author, subject, ISBN, table of contents).
You can use the Boolean operators AND, OR, and NOT to combine search words in each search line. In addition, the Operator drop-down menu allows you to select the operator that is used between search lines.
For example, If you would like to find a specific title, you can change this to "Title" or if you only can read English language books, change the language to "English". 
When you find relevant titles, look at the record and note the subject headings listed.  Use them to provide more keyword ideas or as individual searches themselves.

Examples of subject headings:

Argentina History 1817-1860
Cuba History Revolution 1959
Cuba Social life and customs
Chile History Coup Detat 1973
El Salvador History 1979-1992
Latin America History 20th century
Latin America Civilization
Latin America History 20th Century
Latin America Intellectual life 20th century
Latin America Social conditions
Mexico Economic conditions 1918-
Peru Politics and government 1919-1968
Revolutions Central America History 20th Century

Women Latin America History

Latin America Readers

The Latin America Readers provide an in-depth introduction to issues affecting these countries today and puts them in an historical and cultural perspective.

Each volume focuses on a single country and cover the main themes in its history and contemporary life, including migration and urbanization, racial and ethnic diversity, art and culture, war and political strife, women's rights, the environment, economic reform, and democracy. Some titles featured are:

The Argentina Reader
The Brazil Reader
The Chile Reader
The Cuba Reader
The Guatemala Reader
The Peru Reader

Search Latin American Readers as a title and limit to Books & eBooks to find a listing of all the titles in the series.

E-Book Packages

The Library subscribes to a number of e-book packages which can be accessed via Databases. Packages that are of interest to history students are:
Provides full-text access to major works in American, European and Middle Eastern history. Topics covered include many aspects of history plus archaeology, area studies, art, folklore, literature, music, philosophy, political science, religion, and women's studies. Records for these books should be in Omni.
Historical reference compendium allows access to the texts of the Cambridge Histories series. Search or browse by topic. Relevant for undergraduates, graduates, lecturers and researchers.
Blackwell publishes a series of books of historiographic essays on many topics in history. They are available online through Wiley Online Library.
A collection of millions of titles digitized from libraries around the world.
Oxford Scholarship Online                        
offers full-text access to scholarly publishing in 20 subjects from around the world,
Provides access to about 600,000 electronic books (ebooks) Prom a wide variety of publishers.
UPSO includes titles from Oxford University Press and other partner presses.  QUL has access to selected titles, indicated by a green open lock icon on search results screens.