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Industrial Relations

A guide to resources with an aim to support graduate students interested in the multidisciplinary field of Industrial Relations.

News & Useful Links

*Canadian Newsstream Full text articles from major Canadian newspapers. Content updated daily. Globe & Mail and Toronto Star coverage includes today's paper; 2-day embargo period for most other papers. (Recent news)
*PressReader Access today's news in over 2,000 newspapers from around the world in 55+ languages. (Recent news)
International Labour Organization (ILO)'s INFORM (Bureau of Library and Information Services, Resource Guides)
ILR School   (Cornell University School of Industrial and Labor Relations.) Links to information on all aspects of employer-employee relations and workplace issues. For example, see Research Guides (compiled by Librarians at Martin P. Catherwood Library.) and DigitalCommons@ILR'
Knowledge@Wharton University of Pennsylvania's bi-weekly resource that offers the latest business insights, information and research from a variety of sources. Divided into categories, including Human Resources, Leadership and Change, and more...
LabourStart International, online daily labour news service

Ontario Ministry of Labour Collective Agreements e-Library Portal

Univ. of Toronto Industrial Relations and Human Resources Library. Recommended HR/IR websites compiled by Librarians at the University of Toronto's Centre for Industrial Relations. Examples of useful subjects include: