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Mental Health Resources for Teachers

Supporting Websites

Mind Your Mind 
Canadian site for youth and by youth with quizzes, self management tools, book lists and links.

Anxiety Disorders Toolkit / Here to Help:

Click on “Interactive Toolkits” box then click “Anxiety Disorders Toolkit” for download. Check out the Muscle Relaxation Instruction and Appendix 1: Self Test on Anxiety.


A collaborative project designed to provide resources about children and youth mental health and addiction issues for educators, service providers, community partners, parents and students in Windsor-Essex. Includes video gallery describing different disorders.

Anxiety BC 
Provides an overview, self help toolkits, brochures, newsletters on how to support children and youth with anxiety concerns.

Caring for Kids. Canadian Paediatric Society:

Click on “Behaviour & parenting” and click on “Taming the monsters: helping the child to deal with fears” A website designed to provide parents with information about their child’s health and wellbeing.

Centre of Knowledge on Healthy Child Development Offord Centre for Child Studies at McMaster University:
Click  “Behaviour and Mental Health Problems” then  “anxiety”. A comprehensive overview of types of anxiety disorders and its impact, effective treatment based on  research findings.

Spotlight item

Good Minds Program at Tyendinaga

The Good Minds Program ensures that MBQ [Mohawks of Bay of Quinte] is able to deliver counselling services, youth programming, circles (groups), grief recovery, ceremonies, elder support, addictions counselling, Child & Youth Wellness, and NNADAP prevention programming. Our goal is to build linkages and relationships with on and off Territory agencies to provide services of utmost quality. (Good Minds)

School Mental Health ASSIST (SMH ASSIST) is a provincial implementation support team designed to help Ontario school boards to promote student mental health and well-being. This support is provided via leadership and coordination, resources, and implementation coaching support.