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Palliative Care Information Resources


A literature search can help with locating background information on a topic (review articles in particular) and answering clinical questions. The databases and search engines listed below are free to search, however, full text articles may not be included. See the notes section for each resource for more information.

Free Resources for Literature Searching

Follow-up Individual Librarian Consultation

  • Following the live library session on "Literature Searching in PubMed and Beyond" on May 10, 2023, you can request to meet once with a health sciences librarian at Queen’s University if you would like help with a literature search you are working you on. 
  • To book your 30-minute librarian consultation, email me at  
  • Please use a descriptive email subject line that includes Pallium India (e.g., Consultation request for Pallium India fellowship program).  
  • Please also include a brief description of your search topic, the purpose of the literature search (e.g., clinical care or writing a review article), and your preferred dates/times for meeting (including your time zone).