Best Practice is a completely new concept for information delivered at the point of care. In a single source we have combined the latest research evidence, guidelines and expert opinion – presented in a step-by-step approach, covering prevention, diagnosis, treatment and prognosis. Best Practice provides a second opinion in an instant, without the need for checking multiple resources. Its unique patient-focused approach represents a major new advancement in information delivery at the point of care. Tutorials are available via the BMJ Best Practice site. Mobile access available
DynaMed is a next-generation clinical reference resource useful for getting answers to clinical questions quickly and easily. Content is written and reviewed by a team of physicians who synthesize the evidence and provide objective analysis.
Dynamed includes: Overviews and Recommendations for the most common conditions as well as evidence-based recommendations for action, Micromedex® Clinical Knowledge Suite drug content, and many medical graphics and images. Also included is a wide array of specialty topics in areas such as infectious disease and immunology, cardiology, oncology and emergency medicine. Mobile Access is available.
Natural Medicines is an authoritative resource on dietary supplements, natural medicines, and complementary, alternative, and integrative therapies. Natural Medicines contains clinically relevant, bottom-line-focused information and ratings in their evidence-based natural ingredient monographs.
TRIP was created in 1997 to bring together all the evidence-based healthcare resources available on the Internet. TRIP Plus was created in April 2003; this greatly enhanced version includes coverage of peer-reviewed journals, medical images and patient information leaflets, and is updated monthly. Tutorials are available via the TRIP website.