Queen's students, staff, and faculty, have access to Ophea resources.
Here is how you get access:
You need to set up a FREE account:
1. Go to the Log in page.
2. Click Create new account.
3. Complete all fields. You MUST use your Queen's email address.
4. Click Create new account.
Your Queen's access to OPHEA resources is via this link:
Health & Physical Education Elementary Resources, Grades 1 - 8
Health & Physical Education Secondary Resources, Grades 9 - 12
Ontario Physical Activity Safety Standards in Educaion (OPASSE), Grades K - 12
You now have access to the Elementary and Secondary Resources and the Safety Standards (OPASSE)
With your account you have the option to save your favorite content to your dashboard for easy access and to receive personalized content suggestions.
Email us if you encounter any problems setting up your account.