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POLS-396: Topics in International Relations

Your Librarian

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Jesse Baker


Welcome to the POLS-396 library course guide. It has been designed to introduce students to library research tools e.g. books and scholarly journal articles for support your course work.

The learning outcomes of this guide are as follows:

  • identify political studies resources using the library's website;
  • be able to distinguish between a primary, secondary and tertiary source;
  • develop research skills by learning to retrieve a "known item"
  • learn how to identify secondary sources by subject using a political studies  index

Please proceed through the five sections to learn more (sections are various lengths):

  1. Introduction: Some introductory remarks and a quick overview of this guide.
  2. Finding Sources. A general orientation to doing research with library tools that includes tips for finding information using the collections at Queen's Library but also useful checklists for evaluating information prior to use.
  3. Writing your paper.
  4. Citing Sources.
  5. Conclusion: Where to go for research help.