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PSYC-452: Developmental Psycholinguistics

To formulate your research question...

A research question identifies the problem or topic you’ve chosen to research.

A clearly defined question will: 

  • Focus your search so that it is more efficient and effective.
  • Make it easier to find and combine appropriate terms.
  • Help you to identify your key/main concepts.
  • Help you identify relevant results.

State your information need as an answerable, well-constructed question rather than a question that prompts a "yes" or "no" response.

Question Frameworks

Question frameworks are helpful tools researchers can use to structure a question that will facilitate a focused search.

Applying a framework when developing a research question helps you to identify key concepts and determine inclusion and exclusion criteria.

Some questions do not fit into a framework. Brainstorming techniques such as concept mapping might be more helpful. Break the question down into concepts and think of different ways of describing each concept.