Scholarly journal articles are very important sources for research as they contain current research in a given field and often focus on a particular aspect of a topic.
Scholarly journals are also referred to as "academic," "peer-reviewed," or "refereed" journals.
For more information, please refer to: Distinguishing Scholarly Journals from Other Periodicals.
At this stage, you should have formulated a research question. Now you can extract the main concepts/subject and search subject-appropriate databases.
For in-depth searching, it is recommended that you use subject-specific databases. Each academic discipline has its own specialized article indexes and databases. The content varies from database to database -- some contain full-text articles, others contain images and music.
Access article indexes and databases from the following places on the library home page:
Key indexes and databases relevant to developmental psycholinguistics are:
PsycINFO is the premier resource for locating research and scholarship in psychology and its many subfields.
Multidisciplinary databases index a greater number of publications than discipline-specific databases, and they allow you to search across disciplines. Examples of multidisciplinary databases include:
ERIC: Is a database of citations with abstracts and other pertinent data related to teaching and research in education, complemented by links to more than 200,000 full-text non-journal documents.
MLA: Comprehensive index to scholarly writing on literature, language, linguistics, literary criticism, folklore, drama, literary genres, etc.
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