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CURR 623 Geography (IS) Inquiry Project

Course guide

Google and Google Scholar

Searching for Grey Literature

One way to find grey literature is to identify organizations that might be publishing this type of information on topics that you're interested in and then to search their websites — paying close attention to website sections with names like "Documents", "Reports", and "Library". Consider government agencies, non-profits, professional associations, research institutes, and other organizations, based on the research you have already done. 


Use Google's site limits to only search a government or institution's site or top-level domain, for instance use site: to limit your search to Ontario government sites. This technique paired with keywords in Google is a quick way to locate grey literature. Example search: environment climate

You can also try the following custom Google searches: 

1. NGO Search: NGO Search is a Google Custom Search that searches across hundreds of non-governmental organizations' (NGO) websites. This is a project from two groups associated with the American Library Association (ALA).  

2. IGO Search: IGO Search is similar to NGO Search, but includes international governmental organizations (IGOs) such as NATO and WHO. This search engine is also a project of the American Library Association (ALA). 

Google Scholar

There are some grey literature in Google Scholar such as theses and dissertations that are in institutional repositories (like QSpace). Please make sure that you are connected to Queen's University Library to get access to these documents.  To see if you are connected, check the settings in Google Scholar and then click on Library links

If you don't see Queen's University, then you may need to access from off-campus on the library's main page (

**Information on this page was taken (and formatted for an Ontario context) from