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MIR-850: Organizational Behavior

Citation Databases

Before Google Scholar and Scopus there was, and still is, the Web of Science citation databases.
Interdisciplinary - covering the established and ranked peer reviewed journals in all disciplines and linking to cited references. 
JCR journal rankings derive from Web of Science content.

Web of Science (Core Collection)

Known as JCR, the database provides critical evaluation of Social Sciences journals based on citation data, or how often an article is referenced by researchers. JCR is part of the Web of Knowledge/Social Science Citation Index databases.

By sorting by Journal Impact Factor (JIF) using Journal Citation Reports (JCR) you can determine which journals in a discipline are making the greatest contribution to the publishing history of an idea by measuring citation frequencies.


Here is an example of just a fraction of the content displayed for one of the top rated journals included in JCR.


Recommended Journals

There are many scholarly journals that are useful in the area of organizational behavior. It is our responsibility as researchers to investigate each journal and/or article's merits before citing them. NOTE: This is not an exhaustive list but rather like a 'top 11.'  Please do not exclude an article because it was not published in one of these journals but rather conduct some due diligence by asking a few questions e.g. how is the journal ranked in Journal Citation Reports? Is the author affiliated with a reputable academic instution or think tank? Is the journal peer reviewed? (This is what we refer to as "critical appraisal.")