PsycINFO is a research database published by the American Psychological Association. It can be used to find information about work team dynamics, employee motivation, conflict resolution, leadership, cultural change, and more.
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Keywords represent the natural language used by the author(s). Authors sometimes provide keywords or key concepts, and these may be applied during indexing as well as additional concepts that are deemed important.
Index terms are controlled vocabulary terms from the Thesaurus of Psychological Index Terms. The terms are arranged in subject “trees” from broad to narrow to give researchers control over specificity.
Job Characteristics
Personnel Training
Employee Characteristics
Human Resource Management
Organizational Development
One of the benefits of using PsycINFO on the Ovid platform is to be able to clearly view the subject "tree." A researcher can determine how specific they want their search to be based on whether there are broader or narrower terms. The following graphic demonstrates the subject arrangement for Organizational Effectiveness. Note the broader, narrower, and related terms.