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A Collections

Anti-Slavery Collection: 18th - 19th Centuries

Originally from the Library of the Society of Friends, this collection contains anti-slavery tracts, pamphlets, and journals pertaining to the abolition movement for ending the African slave trade. The collection is compiled as follows:

  • Reels 1-14: Anti Slavery Tracts
  • Reels 15-20: Miscellaneous Tracts and Pamphlets
  • Reels 21-22: Anti-Slavery Journals
  • Reels 23-24: The Thompson-Clarkson Collection [more information below]
  • Reel 25: Chronological Bibliography of Anti-Slavery Tracts [more information below]

Location: Stauffer Library Microfilms at HT857 .A58 1978t
Guide/Index: Stauffer Library Reference at HT857 .A58 1978t Guide

The Thompson-Clarkson Collection
"This collection is intended to represent the complete source materials of Thomas Clarkson's This history of the rise, progress and accomplishment of the aboliton of the African slave-trade (2 volumes, 1808) [available in Stauffer Library -- check Omni for location and call number]. It was put together by Thomas Thompson (1776-1861), a pharmaceutical and manufacturing chemist of Liverpool, who was a lifelong member of the Society of Friends. he tried to collect some printed material, an autograph letter (or, failing that, at least a signature) and, where possible, a portrait of ever person mentioned in the work." -- Publisher's guide. 

Chronological Bibliography of Anti-Slavery Tracts
"This is a chronological catalogue of printed anti-slavery pamphlets 1760-1855. It contains about 1,200 entries [and] is in the form of about 300 unnumbered pages of typescript with emendations in ink and pencil. [..] It was compiled by the amalgamation of several lists: 37 volumes of Slavery Tracts in the Friends House Library; other anti-slavery pamphlets in the Friends House Library; anti-slavery pamphlets at the Anti-Slavery Society; the bibliographies of two theses on slavery by Patrick C. Lipscomb and Joyce Birt; and Ragatz' Guide for the Study of British Caribbean [sic] History 1763-1834, Washington, D.C., 1932." -- Publisher's guide. 

Archives of the Charity Organisation Society, 1869-1938

This collection belongs to the Victorian Philanthropy and Social Problems Series 2, Part 1: Journals of the Charity Organisation Society, 1872-1938, and complements The Archives of the Shaftesbury Society, Part 1.

The Charity Organisation Society was founded in 1869 as a result of ongoing problems with poverty, crime, mendicancy, and squalor, along with the ineffectual administration of the Poor Law (a body of laws developed in the 16th Century and maintained with various revisions until after WWII) that hindered philanthropy from being carried out properly.

"The Society aimed primarily to promote co-operation between existing agencies rather than to provide direct assistance itself. It sought to operate 'not by doing other people's work for them, but by bringing Government, societies and individuals to do their share of the required work at the right time and in the right way.' The Society's function was not, however, purely administrative, and it provided an important forum for the discussion of topical social issues." -- Publisher's Guide. 

Publications in this collection include:

  • Charity Organisation Reporter (1872-1884) - A weekly paper providing the proceedings of the Society's Council, reports from district committees, and articles and correspondences by its members on a host of subjects. It was succeeded by
  • Charity Organisation Review (1885-1921) - A monthly periodical, aimed at a wider circulation, which was then succeeded by
  • Charity Organisation Quarterly (1922-1938) - A more international outlook on many of the same major social issues, but also with new ones, such as the question on National Health Insurance, unemployment insurance, psychiatric care, and the development of the social sciences.

Location: Stauffer Library Compact Shelving at Microfilm No. 16-253
Guide/Index: Stauffer Library Reference at HV245 .A77 1983

Archives of the Shaftesbury Society Part 1: Minutes of the Ragged School Union and Shaftesbury Society, 1844-1944

This collection consists of reproductions of the Shaftesbury Society's original, handwritten minute books. It constitutes the Victorian Philanthropy and Social Problems Series, Series 1: The Archives of the Shaftesbury Society, and complements Archives of the Charity Organisation Society, Series 2.

Location: Stauffer Library Compact Shelving at Microfilm no.008-132
Guide/Index: Stauffer Library Reference at LC4051 .R3A7 1980

Parts 2 & 3 of the collection are in microfiche format.

Archives of the Shaftesbury Society Parts 2 & 3: The Ragged School Union Magazine and Continuations, 1843-1907

This collection belongs to the Victorian Philanthropy and Social Problems Series 1: The Archives of the Shaftesbury Society, and complements Archives of the Charity Organisation Society, Series 2. Parts 2 & 3: The Ragged School Union Magazine and Continuations, 1843-1907 furthers the documentation of the Ragged School Union under its various titles.

Title Change History:

  • 1876-1887: Ragged School Union Quarterly Record
  • 1888-1895: Record of the Ragged School and Mission Union
  • 1896-1907: The Record of the Ragged School Union and Shaftesbury Society

Location: Stauffer Library Microforms at Microfiche no.1805
Guide/Index: Stauffer Library Microfiche with no Call Number (book is stored on top of microfiche cabinet)

Part 1 of the collection is in microfilm format.

B Collections

Bell Canada Directories: Ontario & Quebec

This collection consists of a miscellany of Bell Canada Telephone directories covering urban centres and townships in the provinces of Ontario and Quebec ranging from 1879 to the 1970's, along with directories specific to Kingston and surrounding communities from 1922 to 1957.

Location: Stauffer Library Microfilms at Microfilm 013-083
Guide/Index: Stauffer Library Reference at FC3099 K5 A35 1983 Index (includes directories for Kingston and vicinity, 1883-1979)

Library has: Reels 1-8, 12, 86, 200, 201 & 222, plus Guides (reels 1, 2, 5 & 6 have duplicates).

  • Reels 1 & 2 also contain directory notations for Halifax, N.S., and St. John, N.B..
  • Reel 86 Consists of 2 directories for Saint-Hyacinthe and Surrounding Territory (1976 & 1977), and 8 directories for Montreal and its suburbs (1900-1905). The last directory on Reel 86 stops partially through "M" with a notation of "Directory to be Continued" [presumably on Reel 87, which is not in the Stauffer Collection].
  • Reel 200 goes in reverse sequence to what is listed in the index (i.e. the reel starts at the last page of the last directory and goes backwards).

Black Workers in the Era of the Great Migration, 1916-1929

This collection consists of an examination of the migration of Black Americans from the southern U.S. states to the northern industrial centres of the country during WWI, a period known as "the great migration". Records relate to agricultural labour, industrial work, unionism, housing, race relations, and returning veterans. The documents also deal with conditions in southern agriculture between 1910 and the 1920's.

Location: Stauffer Library Compact Shelving at Microfilm HD no.089
Guide/Index Location: Stauffer Library Reference at HD8081 .A65 B59 1985t Guide

"During World War I, approximately one-half million black Americans abandoned their southern homes and streamed into norther industrial centers, as the war economy, combined with the virtual cessation of foreign immigration and the mobilization of the armed forces, created new opportunities for black workers in northern industry. Known as the 'Great Migration', this exodus continued during the next decade, with the movement doubling in volume. The urbanization and industrialization of black American continued for another half-century..." -- Introduction to the Collection by J. R. Grossman, Assistant Professor of History, University of Chicago.

British Pamphlets Relating to the American Revolution, 1764-1783

"This microfilm publication includes a copy of every available British and Irish pamphlet relating to the American Revolution that was printed in Great Britain between January 1st, 1764 and December 31st, 1783. The importance of these pamphlets has long been appreciated and the richness of their contents suspected by heretofore they have not all been readily accessible and some have been virtually unknown." --from the Introduction to the Guide

The 1161 pamphlets in this collection are slected from those listed in Thomas R. Adams' American Controversy: A Bibliographical Study of the British Pamphlets about the American Disputes, 1764-1783 (1980; Z1238 .A39 E209). All materials, whether they focussed entirely on an aspect of the American Revolution, or contained just a short reference to it, have been included in the collection. Additionally, there are two publications that lie outside the time frame of American Controversy (1763 and 1784, respectively) but which have been included to complete a series of tracts on a common theme.

Location: Stauffer Library Compact Shelving at Microfilm E no.035
Guide/Index Location: Stauffer Library Reference & Compact Shelving at Z1238 .B75 1982t

Pamphlets cited in American Controversy that have been excluded deliberately are those pertaining to trade, the domestic affairs of a particular colony, and the West Indies. Other omitted pamphlets were either not available or in too poor condition for filming.

"Pamphlets concerning Quebec, however, are included as the debate over its administration and government impinged on the pre-war disputes between Britain and the American colonies." --from the Introduction to to the Guide